Sweet Static

Yes, another mp3 blog. Trying to share what I like with the world. The music here is for sampling only and are up for a limited time. It's simple really you see. If you like the music then go out and support the artists. Buy a cd/mp3/eight track, make a request on radio, see them live, tell others about it. This way this wonderful medium hopefully won't be stomped on.

Location: Windsor, Ont, Canada

Sweet Static is an mp3 blog that allows me to share the music I love and also to point out other cool things around the internet that catch my attention. It is also a place where I can talk about my radio show by the same name, now on Thursday nights from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm on CJAM 91.5 FM in Windsor, Ontario. Got something I should hear? Email me at sweetstatic @ gmail.com. All comments left here are emailed to my inbox, so you can get a hold of me that way also. You can also follow the show/me on twitter at sweetstaticcjam.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


I know some people have found my site looking for the new Danielson record, Ships. Forgive me but I have a counter program and me being the whore that I am do let it influence my radio show and what I post on. Not a lot but a little.

Well let it not be said that I don't try to help people out. I don't have the record and only played a song on my show last week but I liked it. However when I got the Secretly Canadian email this week I noticed that they had an mp3 from the new album up on their site.

Go here to get the song "Did I Step On Your Trumpet?"

While you are at it just check out their download page with a ton of videos and songs here.

Including a Br. Danielson song "Things Against Stuff"


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