Sweet Static

Yes, another mp3 blog. Trying to share what I like with the world. The music here is for sampling only and are up for a limited time. It's simple really you see. If you like the music then go out and support the artists. Buy a cd/mp3/eight track, make a request on radio, see them live, tell others about it. This way this wonderful medium hopefully won't be stomped on.

Location: Windsor, Ont, Canada

Sweet Static is an mp3 blog that allows me to share the music I love and also to point out other cool things around the internet that catch my attention. It is also a place where I can talk about my radio show by the same name, now on Thursday nights from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm on CJAM 91.5 FM in Windsor, Ontario. Got something I should hear? Email me at sweetstatic @ gmail.com. All comments left here are emailed to my inbox, so you can get a hold of me that way also. You can also follow the show/me on twitter at sweetstaticcjam.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Culture Reject

Hopefully this doesn't come across as overkill with two posts in one day.

I've always been a big fan of Black Cabbage, a band from Guelph from the '90s. Their time came and went but at the end of last year a group on Facebook was dedicated to hoping the band would reunite for a show and word came that they would be performing at Hillside this year.

Also appearing there will be one of Black Cabbage's main members, Michael O'Connell's new project Culture Reject. The album is out on White Whale Records and is another one I've really gotten into since I've first heard it.

I'm trying to get into Hillside this year as a volunteer and if I'm fortunate enough to be picked I'll definitely be checking out both Black Cabbage and Culture Rejects if possible. Here's a taste of the band from the White Whale website.

Culture Rejects-Inside The Cinema



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