Sweet Static

Yes, another mp3 blog. Trying to share what I like with the world. The music here is for sampling only and are up for a limited time. It's simple really you see. If you like the music then go out and support the artists. Buy a cd/mp3/eight track, make a request on radio, see them live, tell others about it. This way this wonderful medium hopefully won't be stomped on.

Location: Windsor, Ont, Canada

Sweet Static is an mp3 blog that allows me to share the music I love and also to point out other cool things around the internet that catch my attention. It is also a place where I can talk about my radio show by the same name, now on Thursday nights from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm on CJAM 91.5 FM in Windsor, Ontario. Got something I should hear? Email me at sweetstatic @ gmail.com. All comments left here are emailed to my inbox, so you can get a hold of me that way also. You can also follow the show/me on twitter at sweetstaticcjam.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Sweet Static Status Update

Yes I'm still alive and here's the scoop on the site.

For the past seven plus years I've worked straight midnights. A month ago I switched to days and I've been having troubles adapting to my new schedule. Before I'd come home from work and do my posting. Well not when I come home from work I'm watching TV or hanging out with friends.

Plus I have to record my show now on Thursdays after work for broadcast the next morning which has changed the dynamic of it for me.

So basically the last month has been me trying to redefine what I want to do with the show and with the site in my head. Honestly there isn't much I want to change except for some new features I've been planning on doing and a new look. I'm tired of this layout so I'm going to pick something new.

So this weekend I'm planning on sitting down and getting the site going again. Not sure there's many people who care but just in case I thought I'd let them know what's going on.

Thanks for stopping by and come back for the new Sweet Static this weekend.



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