Sweet Static Playlist For June 17
-http://cjam.ca, under listen or
-opening a url on whatever player you use and put in
New and improved broadband stream from the station, as well as the original lo-fi stream.
The show's podcast is archived for a month at the station. Here's the link for the show's page on the official site.
as always...
cc-canadian content
*-in rotation
mp3-from an mp3 blog (link on the mp3)
Wax Mannequin and Black Blood-Grownups Never Lie from Saxon cc
Jenny Omnichord & Shad K-The Old Prince from Charlotte Or Otis: Duets For Children cc
The Black Keys-Ten Cent Pistol from Brothers *
Bend Sinister-The Little Things from Spring Romance cc *
The Burning Hell-Municipal Monarchs from Happy Birthday cc
Wax Mannequin-Power Blaster from And Gun cc
Jenny Omnichord & Wax Mannequin-Lady Moon from Charlotte Or Otis: Duets For Children cc
Blitzen Trapper w/Alela Diane-The Tree from Destroyer Of The Void *
Deer Tick-I Will Not Be Myself from The Black Dirt Sessions *
Hank III-Drinkin' Ain't Hard To Do from Rebel Within *
Black Francis-Six Legged Man from Nonstoperotik *
Wax Mannquin and Black Blood-Everything And Everyone from Saxon cc
Jenny Omnichord-Pain Of Maybes from All Our Little Bones cc
Forest City Lovers-Pocketful Of Rocks from Carriage cc *
The Beauties-Die Die Die from self-titled album cc *
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